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Post-Initiation Spring 2021 Update!

Since coming back from Winter Break, a lot of new updates have occurred for the Alpha Chapter. On February 27th, 2021, we initiated 35 new brothers into our fraternity! After a successful pledging process led by Magister Wilson Maier '22, Kustos Will Baldwin '23, Pro Consul Henry Walton '22, and Consul Pat Nolan '21, our pledges became brothers and we are thrilled to have them. Attached below is the February 2021 Edition of the Redhawk Sig which gives a more in-depth look at our newest members, and thoughts from members of our exec board.

In addition to welcoming our new pledge class, several alumni have been awarded national honors for their dedication and efforts put into our chapter and the fraternity as a whole. Congratulations to our current chapter advisor Michael Bertz '91 for his initiation into the Order of Constantine, and I know we have appreciated his guidance during this interesting year. Two other alumni: Dr. Brent Matthews '89, and Stotle Mastorides '89 were named Significant Sigs for their devotion to our chapter and fraternity since their graduation from Miami University. As always we extremely appreciate the enduring support of our alumni for they are the reason that our chapter remains strong and will always be strong on campus and internationally.

For more information and updates please follow our Facebook account and LinkedIn to get up-to-date information.

In Hoc,

Jake Pankoff '23


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